2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'main forex'|Confirm your main trend with LMT Forex Formula

About 'main forex'|Confirm your main trend with LMT Forex Formula

Forex,               which               stands               for               foreign               exchange,               is               an               extremely               liquid               market.

It               is               much               more               liquid               than               the               stock               market,               as               a               matter               of               fact               it               is               the               most               liquid               market               in               the               world.

What               does               liquid               mean?

Well               this               means               that               there               are               far               more               transactions               than               any               other               market               in               the               world.

There               are               well               over               1.5               trillion               dollars               flowing               through               the               forex               market               everyday!

This               means               that               there               are               ample               opportunities               to               make               money               in               the               forex               market.

It               takes               a               lot               of               hard               work,               as               well               as               countless               hours               trading               on               a               demo               account               before               you               should               even               think               about               trading               on               a               live               account.

Even               after               following               these               guidelines,               many               forex               traders               lose               their               entire               account               the               first               time               they               try               a               real               live               account.

There               are               different               reasons               for               this,               but               two               of               the               main               reasons               people               lose               at               forex               trading               is               that               they               are               undercapitalized               and               they               don't               have               the               proper               mindset               or               psychology               of               trading.
               When               we               talk               about               capital,               we               are               talking               about               money               in               your               forex               broker               account.

Many               people               start               their               forex               career               with               not               enough               money               in               their               account.

What               is               enough               money?

That               depends               on               your               trading               strategy.

If               you               are               looking               at               trading               on               long               term               charts               such               as               the               daily               or               weekly               charts,               you               will               need               a               lot               more               starting               capital               than               if               you               were               to               use               the               fifteen               minute               or               sixty               minute               charts.

You               always               need               to               be               able               to               absorb               losses               and               not               lose               half               of               your               account               on               one               trade.

Money               management               is               very               important               in               any               kind               of               trading.
               When               we               talk               about               psychology,               we               are               talking               about               the               stress               and               mindset               that               affect               us               during               trades.

This               is               hard               to               work               on               while               trading               on               a               demo               account               because               there               is               no               real               money               involved.

This               is               why               you               must               treat               a               demo               account               as               if               you               trading               with               real               money.

So               many               traders               can               not               handle               the               stress               of               being               in               a               losing               position               and               deciding               whether               to               get               out               of               it,               or               give               it               time               to               turn               around               and               go               in               a               favorable               direction.
               You               must               realize               that               the               direction               of               the               market               does               not               move               in               straight               lines,               it               moves               in               waves.

So               there               will               be               price               fluctuations               you               will               need               to               endure               to               reach               your               desired               profit               target.

Many               traders               exit               positions               early,               and               they               do               not               see               the               amount               profit               they               should               have.

On               the               other               hand,               some               traders               keep               a               position               open               too               long,               thinking               the               market               will               turn               around,               and               they               lose               more               money               than               they               can               afford               to.
               When               it               comes               to               forex               trading,               it               can               be               a               really               exciting               career               and               it               can               also               be               a               nightmare.

Not               everyone               is               cut               out               for               it.

Practice               makes               perfect,               which               is               why               most               people               suggest               having               a               demo               account               for               at               least               six               months               before               trading               one               dollar               of               real               money.

Proper               technical               analysis,               fundamental               analysis,               money               management,               and               psychology               are               essential               in               having               a               successful               career               in               the               world               of               forex               trading.

Good               luck!

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    2013년 12월 3일 화요일

    About 'forex contest'|Contest Forex, Prize 46400 USD

    About 'forex contest'|Contest Forex, Prize 46400 USD

                   Learning               to               become               a               savvy               investor               isn't               done               by               opening               a               book               and               reading               about               price/earnings               ratios,               dividends,               and               chart               patterns.

    Well,               it               is,               but               it's               a               lot               more               than               that.

    After               you've               read               a               few               basic               investment               books,               you               need               to               get               in               there               and               get               your               hands               dirty.

    There               is               no               better               way               to               learn               investment               techniques               than               by               actually               applying               them.

    Since               you               don't               want               to               lose               your               capital               while               learning,               there               are               some               free               tools               available.

    Here               are               the               top               5               free               tools               for               learning               to               become               a               savvy               investor.
                   Demo               Accounts
                   Open               a               demo               account               with               a               broker               and               use               it               to               practice               stock,               futures,               options               or               forex               trading.

    Your               existing               broker               will               usually               give               you               a               separate               demo               account,               if               you               ask               for               one.

    Any               good               broker               will               also               offer               you               a               demo               account               even               without               a               real               account.

    You               can               run               test               strategies               on               the               demo               platform               alone,               or               alongside               your               real               account.

    This               allows               you               to               stay               in               touch               with               the               market               and               its               moves,               even               if               you               don't               want               to               change               any               of               your               current               real               investments
                   Contests               and               Tournaments
                   These               are               even               better               than               demo               accounts,               because               real               money               is               at               stake.

    Even               if               it's               a               long-shot               to               win               the               contest               and               claim               the               prize,               you               still               feel               more               compelled               to               make               profit               than               in               the               demo               account.

    You'll               place               each               trade               more               carefully.

    This               helps               you               stay               in               focus               and               in               tune               with               the               market               news               and               with               new               investments.
                   More               and               more               brokers               are               now               offering               free               instructional               webinars               on               investment               instruments.

    These               are               seminars               held               online,               often               with               real-time               charts               and               with               investments               being               placed               right               before               your               eyes.

    You'll               have               a               chance               to               comment               and               see               commentary               from               other               webinar               participants,               along               with               help               from               the               instructor.

    You               can               usually               ask               questions               and               get               an               answer               right               there,               unless               there               are               too               many               participants.

    In               any               case,               email               follow-up               is               encouraged.
                   Investment               News
                   Many               investment               news               sites,               including               BBC               and               Yahoo               Finance,               can               teach               you               a               lot               about               investing,               just               by               following               the               news               stories               and               picking               up               their               vocabulary.

    Reading               investment               magazines               and               newspapers               can               also               help,               at               least               once               in               a               while.

    Their               articles               will               be               more               timely               than               books.

    The               rules,               laws               and               investment               climate               change               so               quickly               that               books               are               sometimes               outdated               just               days               after               printing.
                   Video               Channels
                   Video               content               sites               geared               toward               investing,               such               as               INO               TV               and               Tradertape,               have               investment               videos               that               really               go               a               long               way               toward               increasing               your               awareness               of               the               markets               and               tools               available.

    Watch               the               videos               with               discretion;               I               think               you               can               pick               out               the               infomercials               from               the               real               news               stories.
                   Avoid               learning               from               salesmen.

    They'll               teach               you               how               to               trade               so               their               commissions               get               fat.

    I'm               sure               you'd               rather               trade               for               your               own               wallet.

    Look               for               impartial               sources.

    Good               well-rounded               sites               are               Investopedia,               MarketWatch               and               Yahoo               Finance.
                   More               from               this               Contributor:
                   Debunking               the               8               Most               Popular               Investment               Myths
    Creative               Ways               to               Get               More               Out               of               your               Savings               Money               Saving               Tips               in               your               Home

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    forex contest

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    forex contest
    forex contest

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    forex contest
    forex contest

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    forex contest

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    forex contest

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    About 'real time forex'|Becoming a Full Time Forex Trader - Part 1

    About 'real time forex'|Becoming a Full Time Forex Trader - Part 1

    You               see               them               on               TV               almost               every               day,               people               saying               they               are               making               tons               of               money               trading               currencies               online.

    Is               this               for               real?

    It's               all               over               the               internet,               advertisements               for               the               holy               grail               that               will               help               you               turn               a               few               hundred               dollars               into               millions               in               less               than               a               year.

    Let's               come               back               down               to               earth               for               a               moment.

    If               all               of               these               people               were               really               making               that               much               money               do               you               think               they               would               tell               you               how               to               duplicate               it               for               a               few               dollars?

    Just               like               any               profession,               trading               the               forex               takes               skill,               determination,               knowledge               and               experience.

    Imagine               if               you               were               going               in               for               surgery               and               the               doctor               walked               in               and               said,               "I               saw               this               ad               yesterday,               paid               $200               for               this               cool               program               on               how               to               do               surgery,               and               look               at               me               now,               I               am               going               to               make               $3,000               taking               out               your               appendix."               How               many               surgeries               will               this               doctor               perform?



    Granted,               we               are               not               talking               about               a               life               or               death               situation,               but               the               concept               is               the               same.

    One               small               mistake               could               have               dramatic               effects               on               your               future               financial               life.
                   Trading               the               foreign               currency               market,               or               the               forex,               can               be               a               daunting               task               to               overcome               at               first.

    You               need               to               learn               a               new               language,               understand               how               markets               move,               learn               risk               management               and               how               to               use               leverage.

    Just               like               becoming               a               doctor               you               must               first               learn               the               basics.

    Understand               what               is               a               pip,               and               what               are               spreads.

    How               much               leverage               whether               you               want               and               do               you               want               to               trade               standard               lots,               mini               lots               or               micro               lots.

    All               of               these               are               important               for               the               beginner               forex               trader.
                   Here               are               a               few               tips               to               get               you               started:
                   First,               get               a               general               understanding               of               what               the               forex               is.

    How               does               it               work               and               when               can               you               trade?
                   Second,               learn               what               currency               pairs               are               and               more               importantly               which               ones               are               the               majors.

    These               are               the               most               liquid               or               most               commonly               traded               pairs.
                   Third,               learn               what               pips               are               and               how               the               pip               spread               can               affect               your               ability               to               make               a               profit.
                   Fourth,               learn               about               leverage.

    Like               the               forex               trading               infomercials               claim,               a               small               movement               in               the               price               of               a               currency               pair               can               have               a               big               affect               on               your               bottom               line,               in               either               direction.
                   Once               you               get               your               feet               wet               with               the               basics               you               can               open               a               demo               trading               account               at               many               of               the               forex               brokers               on               the               internet.

    Take               your               time               choosing               a               broker               you               are               comfortable               with.

    They               all               have               different               currency               leverages               available               and               different               spreads.

    Many               have               their               own               trading               platforms.

    Remember,               this               is               a               demo               or               practice               account               so               try               as               many               as               you               need               before               putting               any               real               money               at               risk.

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